Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Here's what happened in California

Just like Seattle, California had to deal with one of the infected Cruise ships which started coronavirus cases in California to begin or increase. Then the Mayor of San Francisco told everyone she was shutting down and sheltering in place. Our Governor, Governor Newsom used to be Mayor of San Francisco so he had lines of communication back to what was going on in the Bay area from Sacramento. When he learned what was happening there and Los Angeles he shut down the state so California was the first state to do this.

So, on one level we were very lucky to have these events in the order in which they occurred because it all turned out very well for California because of all these things.

We have the most populous state in the Union at around 40 million people  so our coronavirus cases per 100,000 people is very low compared to most of the rest of the 50 states.

So, it is likely if we do the anti-body tests we can put our state back to work likely quicker than many others as long as they have the anti-bodies to coronavirus. So, we might be moving towards herd immunity much quicker than eastern states at this point regarding coronavirus.

Also, many people think the virus has been in California much much longer than they other states because of the larger Chinese and Japanese populations here that are from those locations in Asia  originally.

Each area of the planet has it's own immunological parameters. Every area of earth is different. So, likely studies need to be made on what is different here in California than other states and in Europe as well.

It could also be the warmer weather or other factors like this as well as our early exposure to the virus than other states. In other words it is believed that Washington, Oregon and California were exposed to this virus as early as December 2019.

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