Wednesday, April 1, 2020

This is why it is important to pray for those passing over

In Scotland in 2011 they had been digging a tunnel in Edinburgh, Scotland with a huge auger which companies have now for digging tunnels. But, they had dug through hundreds of people thrown in a mass grave from the plague likely in the 1600s there.

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DURING THE seventeenth century the citizens of Edinburgh met with catastrophe, as the Great Plague of 1645 left tens of thousands dead. Cases of bubonic plague were ferociously common in Europe throughout much of the Middle Ages before fading away around 300 years ago.Mar 24, 2014
As a result when my family got off the train to Edinburgh from Bristol, England then in  Fall of 2011 we were greeted by the ghosts of those whose bodies had been unearthed by this big auger which was digging a subway I believe then.

At first I found it very uncomfortable talking with hundreds of ghosts at the same time until they realized I was 1/2 Scottish and that my grandmother and grandfather on my Mother's side came from Glasgow and Ayr respectively. Then they realized I was their kin and they were okay with my being there. Because Scottish people are very clannish generally speaking. They are loyal to their own first.

This is why it is so important that we pray for all the bodies of souls dying now worldwide during the next few years so they can go to the right heaven realms so they don't get caught here earthbound as ghosts.

I cannot explain a lot of this too you because frankly parts of this I still don't understand fully myself. But, you can see why we all need to pray for souls going to the right heavens while millions of human bodies die here on earth during these times from coronavirus and starvation worldwide during these chaotic times the next few years here on earth.

By God's grace

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