Friday, April 24, 2020

what it's like as an intuitive experiencing so many people passing on worldwide now

It sort of reminds me a little (only every day) of what it was like when the 2004 tsunami hit Indonesia and Thailand and islands and Ceylon and India on around December 26th here in the U.S. when we experienced it on CNN live on TV and 250,000 people died in one day from the tsunami then.

The difference is it feels like that amount might be dying daily or weekly now worldwide. Remember, most people dying of coronavirus here in the U.S. are not being counted because they were never tested. To an even more extreme degree this is true now worldwide.

So, I wouldn't be surprised at all if 250,000 are dying on a daily or weekly basis all the time now worldwide.

It will be different countries and areas peaking every week or so worldwide but this likely will continue as it ravages countries worldwide one by one on the virus' timing.

So, my experience would be like going over a waterfall surrounded by souls every day. This isn't a bad experience necessarily because I'm not dying they are. But, as an intuitive I feel the earth and earthquakes and I feel people being born and people dying worldwide and everything is changing worldwide in a way that most people might not realize now.

The world will never be the same as it was in January 2020 ever again.

So, praying for all the folks dying on a daily basis is important for us all if we don't want to be haunted by the ghosts of those dying especially in places like New York City and London and Paris and Milan and Rome and all these places is really really important now.

It's not that there weren't ghosts already all these places but there will probably be many more now after this pandemic.

So, pray for those passing over now because it will help everyone's lives here on earth both the living and those who have already passed over.

By God's Grace

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