Sunday, May 3, 2020

If you have never lost someone close to you yet

I live in California where most people haven't lost anyone yet to coronavirus simply because there have only been so far 5 deaths per 100,000 people in our 40 million strong state.

However, I'm thinking all of us need to be prepared to possibly lose someone we know within the next 2 to 5 years in regard to coronavirus.

The best preparation is to pray for those you know who have passed away. They might come to you in waking or sleeping dreams for at least 3 months time after they pass. Usually within 3 months souls begin to settle down wherever they are and start to get used to their new conditions after that.

So, if you are strong enough you need to pray for angels to come get them and to take them to a heaven realm. This is really important to do for people you know.

However, be very careful if they come to visit you in dreams waking or sleeping because if you are not prepared for this like some people are it could be dangerous for you.

So, if someone passes away pray for angels to help you with all of this.

By God's Grace

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