Saturday, May 2, 2020

Regarding: 'If your child is hungry, you will eat your rulers to feed your children'

This is likely a Middle Eastern Saying. And governments in the Middle East have always been notoriously corrupt often since the times of the "Arabian Nights" so this is not new.

I suppose the way to look at this would be: "If your leaders are so corrupt that you cannot eat then eat your leaders" which makes sense in a historical context around the world.

Do I think Trump will be eaten for the thousands of deaths he has caused in the U.S. and Around the world?

No. Because we live in a civilized country. However, I don't think he will be re-elected either which in this sense is "He will be eaten by an electorate that blames him for deaths around the world in various ways."

The main question becomes: "Will Trump allow another president to be elected and put into office?"

If he doesn't then literally "Trump WILL then be eaten by the people and be no more."

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