Sunday, May 3, 2020

Sweden might have it right for the long run

Sweden's chief epidemiologist on the U.S. response: "Covid-19 can cause havoc if you don't make the right decisions in the very beginning." (from Fahreed Zacharia with Sweden's head epidemiologist)

Why do I think Sweden's epidemiologist might have it right?

Because in the long run Sweden's approach might cost less lives and keep their economy rolling while other european economies might falter or even die out completely economically like Italy and maybe England or something like that.

For example, I live in California which only has a 5 death in 100,000 rate right now because we shut down early whereas New York has a death rate of 124 for every 100,000 people right now. But, New York might actually be better positioned for the future because so many people in New York State have already been exposed to coronavirus.

Whereas California might be really in for it in the long run because so few people have been exposed so far.


Because within 5 years everyone on earth (including all Californians) have to be exposed to this or get a vaccine or else they will die from it.

In some ways California might be putting off the inevitable. Yes. We didn't lose that many YET but this could change over the next couple of years and might also be a financial disaster for California too.

So, saving lives now won't necessarily save lives in the long run unless we are very careful how we open up our businesses and put a great deal of thought into it to get it right for the long run.

We don't know right now for sure but Sweden might have been right in the long run regarding all this.

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