Saturday, June 6, 2020

At the point where the Osprey flew over my house:

They were talking about a Military Base in England where people go into an elevator and turn a house key into the key hole which sends them to Mars to a base with 200,000 people of which only 10,000 are humans born on earth. David Wilcock was talking about a guy he met that spoke about doing this before he met Corey Goode. Corey Goode has said he didn't want to be outed as a part of the military that had been to other planets including the Moon and Mars. So, Corey so he wouldn't be killed by the U.S. Military or world military knew he had to go public to stay alive. So, he approached David Wilcock to give him enough publicity to stay alive and not be killed.

At this point the Osprey flew directly over my head. Coincidence? I think not.

At this point likely I will take Men in black movies much more seriously than I even did before.

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