Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Black Lives matter!" Really means: "Don't let us starve or die during these bad times worldwide!"

That's what is really going on here. They don't all want to starve to death during these bad times worldwide. And I think more and more people are stepping up and funding food banks so at the very least people can continue to eat nationwide.

But, I still say that for every person that dies from coronavirus in 3rd world nations 10 people will likely starve to death in 3rd world nations worldwide during the next 2 years.

And the ONLY thing I see stopping this would be vaccinations worldwide that actually work and don't just make things worse instead.

The very worst thing I could see happening would be a vaccine that killed everyone 2 or 3 months later by accident. This could make this situation about 100 times worse than it presently is.

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