Sunday, June 21, 2020

How many babies are born every day on earth?

About 360,000 babies are born each day according to the UN. That's more than 130 million a year.

then I asked how many died each day before Coronavirus?

The answer appears to be around 150,000

So, between being born and dying before coronavirus about 210,000 extra people are on earth every day.

However, recently as an intuitive I sensed that more people were dying than being born within the last week.

You might ask "How is that possible?" Well. The figures of people dying are ONLY those tested. Even here in the U.S. twice as many are dying non-tested than tested. In third world countries it is much worse. For example, many or most of the indigenous people's of the amazon region and indigenous people's around the world could be wiped out during this pandemic for a variety of reasons in the next few years.

So, I believe it is safe to say that more people are dying during the coronavirus in reality worldwide than are being born when you combine it with deaths not associated with coronavirus worldwide which would normally be 150,000 people dying every day without coronavirus.

So, it is likely that human population itself (at least. during the next few years) is going to significantly reduce around the world first from coronavirus and 2nd from starvation caused primarily by a breakdown in food distribution chains caused by fears associated with coronavirus worldwide and by obvious deaths of people that they know.

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