Sunday, June 7, 2020

If an Ant is your Guru Feed Him!

I grew up a mystical Christian.

What is that?

A Mystic of any religion basically believes that "God is where you find him, her, the being"

There is nowhere that God is not.

Therefore God is everywhere including inside of ourselves.

I remember after first taking to heart "if an ant is your guru, feed him" and watching a sow bug walk across the floor where I was and thinking: "What if this sow bug was my guru?"

This meditation helped me a lot at the time to understand the nature of being a mystic even more.

So, being a mystic Christian or any other religion you are looking for God everywhere and every when in everything and in everyone.

You are constantly looking for God and finding him, her the being everywhere.

Being a Mystic is a very joyful experience of discovery every single moment of your life.

By God's Grace

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