Sunday, June 7, 2020

What is a Vision Quest and what happens?

During a Vision quest you are asking God for visions to show you what your purpose in life actually is.

So, you are praying 24 hours a day for 96 hours or 4 days time. So, in a sense you are praying both waking and sleeping asking help from God.

While not eating or drinking anything this moves you into a starvation mode and a dying of thirst mode where you move towards death a little. In this state (where Jesus and Buddha went during their 40 day fasts from food) you see powerful visions where God in various forms or angels come to you.

My main vision (although I had hundreds) was to become a great Golden Dragon bigger than any home and I breathed golden fire out upon thousands of people and they all became enlightened. But, at the time I was terrified my fire would kill them. However, luckily, my fire from my mouth enlightened them and they smiled instead.

At this point I realized I was a Great Golden Dragon sent to earth to enlighten people and make them smile and make them happy through enlightenment.

By God's Grace

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