Thursday, June 25, 2020

Self Driving vehicles during a Large enough Solar flare would cease to function

One reason you want an old fashioned non-computerized car like an old VW or 60s muscle car is that everything with a magnetic hard drive will get fried and not work during an 1859 Carrington type of event. Though computers in cars are protected from dust and usually rain or snow they are NOT protected from Solar Flares or Nuclear Caused EMPs. So, either one will fry all the cars with this type of technology and they will be unusable until all these parts are replaced (whenever that happens).

So, if when a Solar Flare (or Nuclear blast) happens all self driving vehicles will either stop or crash. That's when you want a low tech vehicle to make it through these times or you want a U.S.  Army surplus jeep or truck that is wired to survive an EMP which could be a solar flare or a nuclear blast.

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