Sunday, September 6, 2020

In other words even though HTML is the basis of the Internet you still have to connect to all the different types of devices and operating systems on earth

If you think about all the different types of devices that can go online you sort of start with the most elementary flip phone cell phone and then you go up to a smartphone which can be windows or android or Iphone or whatever and then you go up to a tablet which can be an IPad or whatever and then lap top then desk top then mainframe worldwide and possibly other devices I'm not even aware of like Servers who are the slaves of the Internet carrying out the orders of people who want to go online worldwide every moment. Servers exist likely in every country to some degree on earth but especially in places like California and the U.S. and Canada, Mexico, Europe and Asia and South America and Africa and everywhere else. All the web pages exist on servers throughout the world and obediently give all the different types of devices from the simplest cell phone to the most complex supercomputer whatever page or pages of information online worldwide as quickly as possible depending upon the transmission speeds available there in that country. 

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