Saturday, September 12, 2020

noblesse Oblige

This basically means if you are well educated and privileged by your education and/or you are wealthy because of all of this that you should help those less fortunate than yourselves.

But, in Trump's America this doesn't exist and is instead replaced by conspiracy theories in a form of paranoid delusion of especially white people. It's not that all races and creeds don't have their own conspiracy theories especially poorer people of every race. But, remember I also was raised blue collar white Conservative Republican.

Some things in this philosophy always made sense to me like the idea that everyone should be responsible for themselves. But, what about people who have serious mental illness or PTSD from warfare or abuse of various kinds? What do you do about them?

So, being raised to be a blue collar conservative Republican in the 1950s especially was very strange in many ways, especially in regard to religion.

I was raised that only the people in my mystical Christian cult or religion would go to heaven. Since there were only 10,000 to 30,000 of like minded people worldwide this was an impossible concept for me to make any sense of at all. "You mean that only 10,000 to 30,000 people are going to make it into heaven.

As an adult I found this concept to be a paranoid delusion (at best). At worst it was a way for people at the top of EVERY RELIGION to make money for themselves around the world.

But, I was always interested in Knights of the Round table as a child and young man and interested in acting in noble ways and this I found very useful at every stage in life. I rescued the people and young maidens right and left from sure death or worse at every stage of my life. And after and during I went to college I saved many people's lives in a variety of ways.

This is why it is so hard to see people like Trump who are so completely selfish they really don't care if even the people who vote for him live or die which to me is awful.

This is why Trump needs to be seen as a mentally ill paranoid person with a mental illness called Narcissistic Personality disorder which is what Hitler had wrong with him too which allowed him to have no empathy at all for Jewish people or any other group really and millions died in World War II because of  his philosophy all over the world.

You might say to me: "OH! Trump won't be like Hitler! But the problem is that he is ALREADY like Hitler in all the ways in which he came to power already in the 1930s. 

The Cure for Hitler and Trump is someone who actually believes in Noblesse Oblige who believes that all people should be treated with kindness instead of lying to them until they all starve and die along the way of coronavirus or fires or hurricanes or whatever.


noblesse oblige
phrase of noblesse
  1. the inferred responsibility of privileged people to act with generosity and nobility toward those less privileged.
    "there was to being a celebrity a certain element of noblesse oblige"

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Web results

In French, noblesse oblige means literally "nobility obligates." French speakers transformed the phrase into a noun, which English speakers picked up in the 19th century. Then, as now, noblesse oblige referred to the unwritten obligation of people from a noble ancestry to act honorably and generously to others.
Noblesse oblige (/noʊˌblɛs əˈbliːʒ/; French: [nɔblɛs ɔbliʒ]) is a French expression used in English meaning that nobility extends beyond mere entitlements and requires the person who holds such a status to fulfill social responsibilities.
Noblesse oblige definition, the moral obligation of those of high birth, powerful social position, etc., to act with honor, kindliness, generosity, etc. See more.

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