Sunday, September 6, 2020

These are two of the PTSD inducing experiences my step son had as a volunteer firefighter when he was 17

 These stories are real and I'm sharing these to show how terrible what Firemen and Police officers experience on a daily basis actually is:

The first story he told me took place when a man about 50 lost his wife when she died. He couldn't live without her and so decided to run into a Redwood Tree with his car at 50 to 70 mph. When my son's firefighter group arrived they found the man with every bone broken in his body but no skin was broken so there was no blood. So, they basically poured his skin body into a body bag. It was all on the floor under the steering wheel of the car.

The next story is a little more difficult to deal with but is also a true story so you might not want to read it if you are a sensitive person:

There was an accident and the body of a child was caught after going through the windshield up and caught on a telephone pole impaled by  one of the iron pegs that telephone men use to climb those poles. The firefighter thought the child was dead but when he used a pole to dislodge the child from the pole the child cried when he hit the ground so the firefighter felt bad because he thought the child was dead.

I'm not sure whether this child survived or not.

This is the kind of thing that firefighters and policemen and women experience every day on  duty. Could you see all these things and stay the same person you are now?

What I'm saying here is that we need people to see and deal with all this. I admire anyone who chooses to help mankind in this way even though it might destroy people slowly while they are doing this and destroy their marriages and families. Someone still needs to do this kind of work to help the rest of us survive here on earth.

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