Friday, September 11, 2020

This has been a hard week for everyone in California, Oregon and Washington States and other western States

I laid down to take a nap this evening and the 13 year old boy who had burned to death with his dog in his lap and likely nearby was his grandmother also who died in the fire trying to escape it.

I found myself breaking into tears over this which was likely quite healthy for me after all this week while taking a nap. I felt healed in some ways from this catharsis because two people I know in Talent, Oregon lost their homes to fire this week completely along with everything they own there. The likely have their cars or trucks but that's it. But, that's nothing to losing a child, his dog and his grandmother and all the other people that have been burned and put in the hospital in the western states or died or all those who haven't been found yet who died in all the many fires in the western States. 

One important thing for anyone reading this to know is that your home, your cars and trucks, your motorhomes aren't important unless you are alive. So, if you are near water and cannot guarantee safe passage it is better to get into the river or lake or ocean and survive even if you lose everything and even if the water is very cold. Wrap your head with cloth of some kind if the embers are burning you to keep your head cool so you don't pass out and keep your nose above the water unless embers are burning you. If they are burning you go underwater for a time until you can come up safely for air either there or a different location where it is safe to breathe and not die.

Many people who live in Malibu, California always use the ocean as a last resort when the fires burn all the way to the ocean there which happens almost every year now. So, just remember your life is far more important than anything you own. If you have insurance all that can be replaced. You cannot replace your lungs, your eyes or your brain that easily. So, if there is water nearby go to the water and live rather than burning up unnecessarily.


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