Thursday, January 7, 2021

How is a new timeline started?

 In the case of the 2nd timeline that started on 9-11-01 what was done was to tell President Bush (the 2nd time) not to get upset because the first time it freaked out the world and most everyone died because somehow it set off doomsday weapons worldwide. I cannot fully explain it other than Bush freaking out on world TV set off the doomsday weapons in a major Clusterf--- of epic proportions.

So, the 2nd time he was with children reading "My Pet Goat" in order to reassure the masses. He had been told not to react to severely so he wouldn't accidentally set off the Doomsday weapons worldwide.

So, starting a new timeline is as easy as that.

So, starting the 5th timeline could be as easy as blowing up one or two Russian supercomputers "BEFORE" they accidentally create "Living Software that is Sentient" without any human assistance.

Or simply preventing them from operating at a quantum level that no one really understands in the first place.

However, in order to do that someone has to go back to 2018 and fix time so we don't wind up here on the 4th timeline caused by sentient software generated by Quantum computers as a supercomputer level.

Even Putin would appreciate this at this point because they way things stand he will be extinct too here on the 4th timeline.

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