Thursday, January 7, 2021

I think about now it might be more clear why Trump was put into office to reduce human population on earth

 Militaries through the United Nations put in Trump in order to drastically reduce world populations. Was coronavirus designed by the United Nations together to fairly reduce world populations?

I think this is more than likely I could likely swear on a Bible that this is true. 

Trump and the president of Mexico, and the President of Brazil and Duterte of the Philippines are just some of the leaders put in place through the United Nations to try to prevent human extinction by 2095.

I think maybe now more of you will see why this was done.

I was not directly involved in any of this but only am aware of this going on and so I felt I had a duty to report it to you the people of earth in some form.

What happens now?

It looks like millions more will now die from Coronavirus because strains of it are getting progressively more lethal.

It looks like it is mutating at a fierce rate now more like the common cold or flu which means people likely will need a Coronavirus shot once or twice a year to not die from it in the next few years.

Will we be able to prevent human extinction in 2095 through another pandemic.

Well. Right now that's not the problem. The problem that needs to be solved is out of Russia and has to do with the present Cyber war which is heading the human race towards extinction between now and 2040 at the latest

So, as of right now the Cyber war combined with coronavirus is taking us to extinction by 2030 or 2040. However, that likely all will be changed somehow between now and 2050 to a 5th timeline.

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