Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Trump won't EVER be elected even to be Dog Catcher after this!

 He has so dishonored everything that the U.S. Stands for that NO serious representative will have anything to do with him after this. He has dishonored the office of President like No other president ever has. He has demonstrated harm to our system of governance. He has harmed the United States and it's people through Coronavirus and 100 or more other things. The nation will NEVER trust him even to be dogcatcher after this stunt today vandalizing both Houses of Congress. Trump is finished as a serious leader for all time whether he knows it or not. He will be only Notorious and never taken seriously even by most sensible Republicans ever again. He is finished as a serious leader for good. But, he might become another Rush Limbaugh or something like this on radio or TV for Crazies to listen to and watch!

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