Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Cabinet members and Congress People considering removing Trump from power with 25th Amendment and putting Pence in Charge last 2 weeks

 The president is AWOL or "Out to lunch" or whatever you want to call it. He is no longer a president (if he ever was one?). But, he has become so dangerous to our democracy in a Republic since people are now dying from altercations at the Capitol building that he personally caused by what he says that isn't true that "He is so out of touch with reality he very likely will now be removed from office by the 25th Amendment and Pence will be put in as president this last 2 weeks before Biden and Harris are put in as President and Vice President of the U.S.

However, doing this might also cause a minor revolution of the kind of insurrection we already saw today. So, that is something to think about too. Any way you look at it people are likely to die a lot these next few weeks here in the U.S.

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