Saturday, January 2, 2021

What are the Archangels?

They are basically God's Police.

They wear jeweled armor and carry swords of Flame.

They are sort of the JEDI knights of the Angelic World.

So, instead of a light saber they carry a sword a sacred fire.

What is this sword used for?

It returns the full karma of a being upon that being of everything they have done good or bad instantly.

If the karma is bad enough the individual either physically dies or even if it is in spirit and the sword is used on a spirit that usually means a 2nd death for that soul. In other words when it is used on a spirit it is the end of that soul permanently.

I first remember meeting the Archangels when I was 2 years old when I was dying of Whooping cough because my parents didn't believe in vaccinations for whooping cough or anything else.

So the Archangels came to save me from death because God needed me to stay alive so I'm still alive now at 72 as a direct result.

By God's Grace 

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