Friday, May 7, 2021

I presently believe the actual death toll is around what the 1918 flu pandemic was which is between 50 and 100 million people Why?

Because the world has been very unrealistic about how they gathered figures all along.

If you have traveled the world like I have you know that in most countries only about 10% of the people can actually go to medical doctors because they don't have health insurance and barely get enough to eat if that. So, all the figures regarding covid deaths are from people who have been to doctors and nurses and have been tested. Like I said before this is only less than 10% of the people who have died.

So, even the 6.9 million deaths is ridiculous to begin with worldwide. It has to be (IN REALITY) about 50 to 100 million dead already.

However, who is actually ready to deal with figures like this?

No one. 

So, people still are giving fantasy figures so people can actually cope with staying alive. But, realistic people like myself who have traveled the world know that at least 50 to 100 million ACTUAL

People have died from this already. After all, even health agencies worldwide all say that instead of 150 million people starving to death in the last year it was 250 million people who starved to death.

So, did the extra 100 million people actually starve to death or did they die of covid or both? 


For example, most births on earth are NOT in hospitals they are at home with at most a relative or midwife delivering the child. As a result that child DOES NOT have a birth certificate and will never have a passport and will never be able to legally travel between nations (unless a government official is bribed) and that takes money (which people this poor don't usually have). 

Because the above is actually true no doctors would be giving ANY of these people (outside of free clinics) ANY Covid tests worldwide and ONLY covid tested people who die are reported ANYWHERE worldwide regarding having died from coronavirus in the first place.

If only 10% of the people of most countries on earth are going to doctors or being tested then therefore the actual number of deaths would logically be at least 10 times what any nation reports in the first place. (This would be especially true in 3rd world nations all over earth).

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