Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Safe in SB

It's been very cool and mostly overcast the last few weeks where I live so today we drove south to visit my daughter and her husband in Santa Barbara and except for Pismo Beach to Santa Maria on 101 where a lady's full size pickup truck burned up (she seemed okay but kind of in shock about the whole thing which is understandable) for an extra hour or two of 1 to 2 mile per hour traffic.

Mostly the trip was sunny with high 70s to low 80s temperatures. It was nice to see the sun so much on any given day too by the way. Mostly the temperatures on the coast up north have been mid to high 50s highs only so a good part of every day we have the central heating on in our house up to at least 65 to keep warm at our age.

I've been getting in the hot tub most days this week and that has made my muscles hurt a lot less. As soon as we got to Santa Barbara it is an entirely different climate here closer to Los Angeles County, Orange county and San Diego county so my wife remarked how her body at these temperatures had stopped hurting so much. I said this is why we should either live in Santa Barbara or Palm Springs most of the year.

However, where we live it is beautiful usually in the Fall and Spring except now with Global Warming which sucks the fog off the ocean a lot more which makes it overcast up to 10 to 30 miles inland caused by the heat further inland. 

Here are some of todays highs  California and Nevada.

Sacramento 88 

Las Vegas 94

Palm Springs 99

Los Angeles 79

San Diego 67

San Francisco 63

You notice that the coast from San Francisco to San Diego is all under 80 degree highs. But, Los Angeles is a little more inland than San Francisco and San Diego that are right on the ocean.

Santa Monica 70 tells you the coast even near LA was cool today.

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