Saturday, May 8, 2021

Slowing down in the wilderness

The one good thing that I can see about the coronavirus is it doesn't interfere with going to the wilderness alone. This can help people become enlightened.


When you can slow down to the level of nature away from all electronic media of any kind including cell phones you begin to hear the trees and animals and birds speak with you. You begin to experience a deep deep peace.

I was lucky enough to be able to do this long enough to regain my life from 1980 to 1985 when my 2nd wife and I bought 2 1/2 acres of land 10 to 20 miles away from the nearest store or gas station in the wilderness. By slowing down enough and listening to nature and living remotely I was able to find myself again and to move forward towards enlightenment more fully.

Luckily, the coronavirus era pushes people to do this now too for various reasons. So, many people will heal during these times by spending more time in the wilderness around the world to regain their peace and happiness and enlightenment once again.

By God's Grace


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