Monday, May 10, 2021

Why is Kindness so important to human survival?

 Often growing up people are not kind to us or they are self deprecating (they put themselves down).   My wife might be the single most polite person I have ever met in a way where she often seems like royalty to me. But, this is because she was raised by an upper class family that was highly educated whereas I was raised by smart people but mostly raised blue collar and lower to upper middle class while I grew up.

I find that people raised in the middle class have less psychological problems than people in the upper classes or lower classes generally around the world. In fact, the rich and the poor likely have the most in common as classes go because both tend to be sort of paranoid for different reasons.

Whereas the middle class tends to be the basis of human progress because the people are educated enough to help progress actually happen while suffering enough to want progress to happen and being educated enough to help create actual progress whereas the poor are usually completely unrealistic about what it is to be wealthy and the wealthy often see the poor sort of like the way some people see animals which is not a healthy way to be.

So, being middle class when you are raised often allows you to be more compassionate and less extreme in your points of view. Middle Class people tend to be less out of touch with actual reality than the poor and the rich tend to be.

But, Kindness allows you to survive no matter what class you are in. I would start with kindness towards yourselves simply because without kindness towards yourselves to begin with you aren't likely to survive the way the world presently is.

Slapping yourself in the face and calling yourself stupid isn't usually very productive for example, unless you are a very rare case indeed.

But, being kind enough to be practical about everything in your lives might help you to stay alive and more correctly assess what is actually going on in your lives.

Unrealistic expectations in one's late teens and 20s takes many lives through suicide or self destructive behavior. Almost no one gets to be with who they think they are in love with in life for example. And even if they do often they are disappointed because it isn't what they thought was going to happen.

So, unless you start with kindness towards yourself and others the likelihood that you will self destruct by age 30 is quite likely one way or another.

Kindness towards yourselves and others is the key for your long term survival here on earth.

Just remember: "What goes around comes around!" which is karma. Karma happens folks so if you want kindness in your lives it has to start with you first.

By God's Grace

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