Monday, May 24, 2021

"Yes. It is almost like China and Russia have created this version of Trump's Republican party to destroy Democracy on earth but starting with the U.S.

So, it's quite possible that that is exactly what we are looking at regarding Q ANON.

How would you accomplish this?

You would hire Russian And Chinese PHDs in Social psychology and set them loose on Facebook and Twitter where people with PTSD from Childhood or Iraq or Afghanistan would be the most vulnerable.

This is exactly how KGB kinds of thinking out of the Cold War would think. And the same for China.

"And so, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, IT IS usually a duck" 

And one should also remember that Putin was a KGB Colonel in East Germany just before it fell too around 1990?. So, he has this kind of training from his more youthful years as a Russian operative in Eastern Europe.

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