Monday, July 5, 2021

103 degrees last week broke Mt. Shasta's temperature record for the hottest temperature ever in June of ANY year

Despite their best efforts, the fire grew exponentially throughout the day as the wind pushed it uphill and temperatures rose. Nearby Mt. Shasta City broke daily records Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, with Sunday’s high of 103 degrees the hottest temperature recorded during June in the city’s history, according to the National Weather Service.

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It's actually beautiful today Monday July 5th 2021 here in Mt. Shasta. most of the smoke has now blown away with a little bit visible behind the mountain. However, the color of smoke is white which usually means the flames are mostly out and just ground is smoking and smoldering along root systems and stuff like that. However, if the winds change it could get whipped up where the coaling hot roots rise to the surface in the next few days too and burst into flames once again. So, it's always a gamble which way things are going to go in the future at this stage of a fire this large. A few days ago it was 37 square miles of land that had been burned. It's likely much more by now.

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