Sunday, July 4, 2021

Becoming a Florida Resident also allows Trump an easier legal escape to the Caribbean as well

 Most people understand that Trump is a crook. I often think of Trump as someone like when women date a Felon or Mafia Figure because he is in jail. It's sort of a strange psychological thing when people support a non-convicted Felon. 

So, it didn't surprise me at all when he moved his state residency to Florida because Florida is a Republican State and often supported him as president and as being a Republican. I don't think most people think Trump isn't a crook and don't think he isn't a Putin Patsy either and most people think he is a member of Putin's (Mafiya) worldwide network either. So, whether you call Trump a Russian Mafiya Member or just a Mafia member I think both ways of thinking about him are valid and always have been.

So, in order to support Trump you have to be a crook too in your thinking and not supporting the well being of most people on earth as well.

So, there is this "Anti-Social" or even sociopathic element to being a Trump Supporter as well that I find interestingly tied to PTSD in people whether that is from fighting in Afghanistan or Iraq or just child abuse in people's lives.

Because it is pretty obvious that supporting Trump is an anti-social behavior against the whole world at this point. (or at least against anyone who isn't white).

From my own point of view moving his state residency was a way for him to be closer to Caribbean nations where extradition to the U.S. doesn't happen as well. It would take him 1/2 hour to be on a Caribbean island on his private jet where no U.S. laws could ever reach him for example.

So, as his fellow business associates go to jail one by one (possibly even some of his children) I would expect at some point rather than be extradited to New York himself that he would fly away to another Caribbean Island instead. Maybe the Cayman Islands where he likely has stashed many millions already.

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