Saturday, July 24, 2021

Freedom to Choose between being vaccinated or not could end Western Civilization over time. OR will it?

Why? I wrote about this last night in:

 The problem is continuing variants like the present Delta Variant. The CDC director said recently: "This is one of the most contagious air born viruses I've ever seen in my 20 years in the Medical field". So, the freedom to not choose to be vaccinated actually threatens everyone on earth potentially.

It's true not everyone on earth will be able to afford to be vaccinated too. This is another factor. So, theoretically even if you forced the vaccination of everyone in the U.S. this won't stop variants coming to people who cannot afford to get vaccinated to stay alive worldwide.

So, in some ways my argument doesn't hold water.

So, logically speaking over the next 20 to 50 years up to 95% of the human race could be gone. (in other words 95% of 8 billion people that we are now might be gone because of variants.

Many people who cannot think logically or scientifically or who are not reasonable cannot see this truth. However, I can. And it scares the shit out of me and most scientifically minded people worldwide. Because it means human civilization at least as we have known it to be is likely over at some time this century.

I'm not saying it's human extinction but it could be close to that between 2050 and 2090. This appears to be what is coming for the human race now.

Could something else entirely happen than what I have outlined here?

Of course. This is why I'm writing all this down to begin with. If enough people see the problem as I presently do one of them might come up with a workable solution and implement it.

After all, we have 8 billion minds at work so hopefully one of them will come up with something and implement a solution to this problem facing mankind.

By God's Grace

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