Friday, July 2, 2021

How his Oneness and Arcane deal with PTSD which I thought was interesting

partial quote from: 

Arcane said something interesting at this point.

"You two gentlemen know that cities and the earth itself has been blown up many times already on your timeline from Nuclear weapons don't you? And others using your time ships retroactively corrected those problems too? I had to help many with PTSD so severe from watching earth be blown up that I had to completely erase their minds for them to even be able to talk once again."

Captain Forward: "We all have heard stories but we weren't sure how much to actually believe."

Arcane: "Believe me most of what you heard was likely true. Because I saw it all and so did His Oneness here. So, we approach this in a different way than most other people who know the truth."

Captain Forward: "That's quite a load to carry!"

Arcane: "Yes. But it goes with the territory. However, we have methods that allow us to cleanse ourselves because His Oneness is a Time Lord and I'm a Galactic Saint. So, we know how to cleanse ourselves and our minds and emotions so it doesn't drive us insane or kill us."

"Here is the way we deal with it. If the problem gets corrected it never happened because no one is suffering the consequences right now anymore. So, if the problem isn't known about now then it never happened because there is no one here that still remembers it. It's the memory of the problem that festers and kills and drives insane. So, once a problem is corrected no one remembers it having happened and so it never happened (as far as we are concerned).

Captain Forward:"I'll have to think about that some to make full sense of what you are saying."

Lieutenant Back: "I Agree. That really deserves some thought because it sounds like a way to survive things so that you mostly decide that it was a movie or something and you decide that once it's been handled that it never happened.

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