Monday, July 5, 2021

If you are vaccinated should you still wear a mask? It's really up to you not the CDC

 For example, I am studying about the Delta Variant as well as the Delta Plus Variant causing many countries to shut down once again.

And even here in the U.S. the Delta Variant is 60% more likely to infect you than other variants. So, though my wife and I are vaccinated I still won't walk through hotel halls without a mask and I still won't go into ANY store without a mask on and I still won't eat inside in any restaurant. To me, this is just prudent because even though we are vaccinated it doesn't mean we cannot get sick even if we don't die from the delta or delta plus variant. 

And it is expected to kill many many unvaccinated people especially by fall or winter here in the U.S. as well. I think (at least among the unvaccinated) it will be about 1/2 as bad as last winter especially in states with low vaccination rates.

So, likely whole unvaccinated states likely are going to have to shut down because their hospitals will likely be overwhelmed everywhere by the fall and winter of 2021.

However, I'm not wearing a mask to prevent this happening to states, I'm wearing a mask so I don't get sick from the Delta or Delta Plus variants. So, I and my wife are choosing to stay well and not get sick but anyone who wishes to get sick or die should realize that not wearing a mask might create that in their lives especially anywhere indoors that isn't their own home in the next year or so.

I don't think the world will be free from coronavirus until at least 2024 at the earliest and millions more will likely die of it before then worldwide.

The other reason to wear a mask indoors is you might be preventing even worse variants from forming inside your body that no medicine will be able to stop in the future. Variants are created in people with compromised immune systems before they die and then are able to somehow pass that extreme variant on to others before they die. So, wearing a mask indoors also means you will not be the creator of future variants that completely drive the human race to extinction this century.

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