Sunday, July 4, 2021

Mt. Shasta is Literally ON FIRE

On the east side of Mt. Shasta (the opposite side than the city of Mt. Shasta or Interstate 5 are on). However, it is on fire and pyrocumulous clouds that can bring both lightning and thunder and rain are forming. I was watching them come up over the peak of the mountain starting about 7 pm starting last night. They are forming now over the peak of Mt. Shasta coming up from the other side. The problem with this of course is any lightning out of the pyrocumulous clouds formed by the fire at higher altitudes even above the 14,000 feet plus Mt. Shasta can likely only start further spot fires on the backside or East side of Mt. Shasta. The concern is that because of the winds and other factors that it will completely wrap around past Medicine Lake and the little city of McCloud potentially.

I'm worried about erosion after the fire mostly which could be extreme next rainy season but not so much during snow storms but more during warmer rain storms later this year and next year. However, at least for now the borate bombers and sky cranes and other larger helicopters were able to stop the fire from coming into Mt. Shasta City

Here are some pictures of pyrocumulous clouds which are interesting because they bring rain and lightning but are caused by the fires interacting with the atmosphere.

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