Saturday, July 3, 2021

On a purely practical level it wasn't useful to expect anyone to survive in Florida: Why?

Think about this for a moment. You are 13 floors high and you are going to fall 13 floors in the collapse. Do you really think anyone is going to survive this more than a few minutes before they die?

2nd: You are on the bottom floor and 13 floors come down on top of you. Or you are on any floor and cement and metal and furniture and appliances land on top of you and pancake on down to the lowest floor.

So, you get what I'm saying here. It was never really realistic to expect any survivors in a situation like this in the first place if you are thinking in terms of gravity, pancake collapse, 13 stories, cement with rebar and other metal reinforcements, appliances, furniture, 60 inch wide screen TVs. Sofas metal bookcases washing machines, driers, gas stoves, refrigerators, king size beds and bed frames coming down in top of you. Basically if you weren't on the top floor you would be pulverized and it might be difficult to find any pieces of you at all. This is a realistic assessment of the situation.

However, then there are the feelings of all the relatives who have lost loved ones and that's why you never heard practical realistic talk like this before maybe. 

But, here's the thing. Likely everyone died very quickly before they had time to feel any physical pain at all before they died. It was very very quick and in this sense likely merciful to all who died. 

By God's Grace

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