Saturday, July 10, 2021

Where you do not want to be during a 6.0 Earthquake

You do not want to be driving a car because you might get thrown off the road if you don't slow down immediately.

You do not want to be in a swimming pool or in a house not anchored to it's foundations with Rebar and bolted down to the cement foundation so it cannot fall off the foundation during the quake.

You do not want to be in a building more than one story tall during an earthquake either this big.

Often the best thing is to go stand in a doorway that is reinforced more than the rest of the house or building you are in. However, be aware of breaking glass during an earthquake this big which often happens so don't be below windows that could break and cut you and don't be near them either. Get away from book cases because books become projectiles during an earthquake this large often along with pictures and glass and pottery and bric a brac of various kinds. If things break that are glass or pottery with sharp edges or bottles or glasses be sure to get your shoes on before you walk around or you could get shards of Glass or other sharp things embedded in your bare feet. Pictures might fly off walls so watch out for glass breaking from all sorts of things around you.

The last quake that scared me bad was because my daughter was 5 years old. She was in the middle of my cousins swimming pool on a flotation device and water was sloshing out of the pool a lot. I told her to swim to the middle so she wasn't knocked unconscious on the edge of the pool until the quake stopped. This was only a 5.0 quake but was dangerous to my daughter in the pool by herself floating. Luckily, she listened to me and didn't panic. She asked why all the water was going out of the pool. I told her we were in an earthquake and if she listened to me carefully she would be okay and she was because she did what I told her to do.

By God's Grace

That's 20 years ago in Orange, California by the way and it was ONLY a 5.0 quake then not a 6.0 which is  at least ten times as strong as a 5.0. 

About 1 foot of water was sloshing out of the pool at a time so my feet were often covered by water like I was at the ocean during all this. It was like having ocean waves 1 foot high washing over my feet as the water sloshed out of the pool. So, we were very lucky indeed my daughter was safe through all this.

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