Saturday, August 14, 2021

Finding ways to cope during these times

 Being intuitive and instinctual regarding where you go when is very important now for everyone if they want to stay alive through all the Covid Variants. You can see this everywhere. Moving in Grace is important now because only people Graced by God are likely to survive all this long term.

So, learning to be in the right place at the right time so you can survive all this is important now. The more you understand about what is happening might help you make better plans in your life too.

It is obvious to me now that God planned my life the last 20 or 30 years even when I didn't understand the fullness of his plans for me and my family. So, at this point I'm very grateful that we are all safe and living in the hands of God every moment.

Coping is about being in touch with nature and your inner and outer nature so you can survive whatever comes next.

The world is changing faster than most people are presently adapting to.

People living in denial might not be around much longer I'm noticing for a variety of reasons.

The human race is being greatly thinned out much more than you are hearing about in the regular news.

Praying would be useful now for all the dead and dying and suffering people around the world who might not have much longer to live.

By God's Grace

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