Thursday, August 26, 2021

why would world governments keep an interplanetary war secret? How would they go about this?

 They would try to keep it secret by not sharing information with the public. It's true if it were happening on earth this would be harder but imagine if an enemy or perceived enemy wasn't living on  planet earth? It wouldn't have coverage unless governments wished there be coverage. So, the whole war might be conducted with something similar to predator drones on earth and beyond earth.

Things that aren't allowed to make it into the news (on pain of death) don't get into the news at all even now. It's been this way ever since I was born and likely before too and I'm 73.

Many people seem to be very naive about things like this.

When people disappear who want to report something like this it makes sense doesn't it?

But, on top of this many people have taken too many drugs and are just crazy from doing that. So, how do you find the truth?

This is the million dollar question for everyone on earth.

I'm not announcing that I know anything about anything really. I'm just theorizing how it could or would be done.

I'm just a very logical person that started out in life in college as a computer programmer who also likes to write.

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