Tuesday, September 28, 2021

97% of the cause of the Debt Ceiling needing to be raised was actually caused by the Trump administration and the Republicans

 And the primary cause of the debt ceiling needing to be raised was the Tax Cut caused by the Republicans. Because the Tax Cut would be like deciding to quit your job while you continue to use your credit card to pay for everything. So, the Republicans stopped taxing rich corporations and individuals and just kept that credit card spending money like it was going out of style. Obviously, just like people who quit there jobs and then travel around the world for a year on their credit cards might have the same problem trying to pay off those credit Cards with no money coming in from any job at all. This is also what we are dealing with regarding the Debt Ceiling Debacle too.

So, suddenly McConnell has decided not to pay the debts the Republicans incurred while Trump was in office to make Biden look Bad! This isn't fair at all, is it?

Because most people in the U.S. have no idea how all this works and might believe almost anything because they never studied economics to the degree where they actually understand what is going on.

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