Saturday, September 25, 2021

IF 2064 Americans are dying daily on average how many is that in a week, month or year?

 That's 14,448 per week

61920 per month


753,360 or more than double the number that 

have already died in the U.S. since Covid Began.

Recently, they put 670,000 white flags in front of 

the Washington Monument to honor all the dead

from Covid so far.

How many American soldiers died in World War II?

405,399 soldiers.

So, by next year we might have lost 1,423,360

So, by next year we will have lost a minimum of

3.5 times approximately the number of soldiers lost in World War II of Americans.

I think this is why no one ever spoke one word to me about the 1918 Spanish Flu that killed 650,000 Americans and more American Soldiers than died in World War I in the 1950s when I was growing up.

My father was 2 years old in 1918 and lived with my grandfather and grandmother in Morenci, Arizona. They likely lived in the desert to avoid infection from the Spanish Flu then while while my grandfather worked as an electrical contractor wiring up the residential area for Copper miners in Morenci then. But, never was one word spoken by either of them regarding the Spanish Flu to me ever in my life. I think Covid (if it ever ends) is just so horrific no one will speak of it either.  (which is probably both good and bad as well) because people who forget history are doomed to repeat that history.

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