Saturday, September 25, 2021

If you can Channel effectively from Saint Germain or Jesus

What is important to know is your level of clarity in what you are channeling. I was able to know my level of clarity always from about age 20 in channeling anything. But, I realized at 20 and 21 that you have to have a level of clarity that is about 75% to 100% accuracy or this isn't fair to your listeners or readers. Many people just channel and don't worry about this accuracy thing. 

But, this is one of the main reasons that I never tried to start another religion because I didn't feel it was fair to others coloring what I was channeling through my own personality like ALL channels of Saint Germain and Jesus ALWAYS do. So, to some degree any channel colors what is given through the filter of their entire life experience.

This is one reason why I recently said to my cousin's daughter: "It's better that we each are our own medium" because otherwise a lot of subtle damage can be done to the listener or reader along the way.

So, I always recommend you not let anyone come between you and your personal relationship with God.

Because if you do, God Help you!

Spiritual and religious teachers are only helpful so far because they can't always control their subconscious minds or they don't check for their accuracy like I do.

By God's Grace 

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