Sunday, September 26, 2021

Processing information

 I have been planning to get a Moderna booster because I'm 73. However, I didn't get Moderna vaccines originally I got Pfizer vaccines about 6 months ago up in San Rafael to the north of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco area.

However, I realized that the people I know who mix and match were much younger than me. I have a friend, for example who got a J & J single shot and then recently got a Moderna booster. However, she is about 50 years old I realized last night and not 73 years old like me.

So, even though the Moderna booster is better at fighting off the Delta Variant I realized last night that I really should get the Pfizer Booster which is being legally offered at my pharmacy right now because I'm 73 and not 50 or younger who are the people doing the mix and match of Pfizer vaccines and Moderna boosters or J & J vaccine (single dose) and Moderna booster.

I realized I need to be more careful because studies HAVE been done as to the safety of Pfizer vaccines and Pfizer boosters but not regarding people who are doing mix and max vaccines and different boosters.

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