Saturday, September 25, 2021

What causes toxic relationships between lovers? Unrealistic Expectations

 The most common ages for unrealistic Expectations is likely 12 to 25 years of age. After that, most people have suffered enough to get over these unrealistic expectations. Either they have barely survived one or more relationships or they have given up having romantic relationships with others or they never started having romantic relationships with others because of the suffering they have witnessed in other's romantic relationships.

But, usually by age 25 people have become more realistic one way or another. However, this doesn't always hold true in relationship to careers. Often, some people have unrealistic expectations regarding their careers for years and years.

But, just in order to survive in romantic relationships at all, people by 25 or 30 begin to develop rules of survival regarding romantic relationships or else they don't live very long. Because Toxic relationships often put people in the hospital or kill them eventually.

The most important rule regarding when a person realizes that they are in a toxic relationship is to "Walk Away" from that person and put distance between them and the toxic person in their lives. 

For example, it's possible that one person can have a toxic relationship with another but then meet someone in which their relationship with that "toxic" person works. It's really about the right two people getting together who are in a practical long term relationship that can work long term for each other.

The danger is that when people are so "starry eyed" in their relationship that they won't allow them to see that that relationship might kill them eventually. 

Being practical enough to be in the right kind of relationship allows people to eventually have a good relationship at some point or points in their lives.

It's all about practicality in the end. Love might be important but unless you are practical too, often you are just dead eventually from that relationship, whatever it is.

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