Saturday, September 25, 2021

The Democrats could very Easily now lose Everything: Including our democracy within 5 years time!

 Here's the problem: I was raised a Republican but left because of what Nixon did. So, I understand both Republicans and Democrats. So, I see both parties as sort of flawed to say the least and so I see myself as an independent mostly because of this.

Republicans have always been kind of crazy and violent and more likely than Democrats to enjoy physical fighting and even war. So, I also see them as being physically self destructive.

Whereas Democrats at best are sort of like impractical College professors who are sort of absent minded that might have never done a real days labor in their entire lives where their hands bled from say digging a ditch.

So, the problem for Democrats has always been idealism without realism.

The problem with Republicans has always been being way too violent and confrontational and not compassionate to poorer people.

But, the problem now is that Democratic idealism without realism and pragmatism may destroy the Biden Presidency and if they don't get more practical the next president could easily be Trump the Nazi and our country might look like Europe during World War II under Hitler a lot.

Unless Democrats are more pragmatic and realistic they are going to lose everything including our democracy now and during the next 5 years.

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