Sunday, May 22, 2022

My side effect from the 4th dose of Pfizer (booster) was dehydration

 How did this manifest?

I was sleepy for several days. I got my shot on a Friday and then slept almost all day Saturday for a total of maybe 16 hours in the next 24 hours or so. By the next day I slept about 12 hours and then by Monday my wife was worried about me and purchased some Pedialyte which ups your electrolytes. When I did this I wasn't as sleepy anymore. So, if you get  dehydrated from your 4th booster get pedialyte to keep up your electrolytes.

My previous reactions to PFizer vaccines for Covid were more like dizziness and feeling like I had a cold or flu for a few days before it wore off. I didn't have that reaction at all with the 4th dose only dehydration symptoms which we treated with pedialyte. Gatoraid might also help.


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