Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Soros says Civilization might not survive Ukraine war?

 It's true that Globalization was sort of like playing Jenga (the game where you pile sticks up to the ceiling and then pull one out to see if the whole thing falls).

And Soros is a very successful man.

I think a better way to say what Soros said would be: Civilization as we presently know it might not survive what is coming the next two years. However, some people will survive what is coming but maybe not civilization as we presently know it.

In other words we might lose a lot of governments and groups of people in the next few years caused by Covid and the Ukraine war and the resulting worldwide famine which was also caused by Covid if we are realistic about all this.

The real consequences of losing 10 million people in the U.S. (both tested and untested who died of Covid) and at least 50 million people in the world (both tested and untested who died by Covid) should not be underestimated.

I can attest to this because of the insanity around the world for 10 or 20 years after World War II happened. Billions of grieving PTSD people all over were pretty scary from world war 2 until the 1960s or after. I can remember from  when I was 2 years old in 1950 and most everyone was still insane in varying degrees from World war II until at least the 1960s on earth.

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