Sunday, May 22, 2022

We likely will see more Black Bears this Spring and Summer because of the drought

They will be coming out of the hills in search for mainly water but also food. In the drought the berries and some other things might not be alive this year so your trash cans (just like with raccoons) likely will be raided. However, Bears are infinitely more potentially dangerous than single raccoons.

However, often if you see one raccoons there are many more in the family nearby. The one doing the robbing of your trash can is likely an Alpha Daddy male or an Alpha Momma Raccoon and regarding bears often this is what you will find too.

So, the trick is to find a way to keep them and you alive because one swipe with their paw of claws and your face or shoulder is gone. 

I have seen whole truck campers literally torn in two in Yosemite National Park campgrounds by a black bear. They are incredibly strong especially if it is an adult. They also can rip cars doors right off the car or truck even if the door is closed. They stick their claws in the little crack where it opens and rip the door right off it's hinges. If they can do this so easily just think what they can do to your face or other parts of your body.

So, staying away from them and dropping whatever food items and giving them to the bears might just save your life.

Just imagine the bears being BIG BIG undomesticated dogs or wolves and you will get more fully what you are dealing with. Some Native Americans called them "Big Dogs" which is an apt name for their actual behaviors. 

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