Monday, May 23, 2022

What are the primary causes of Inflation that are hurting everyone on earth right now?

 The biggest cause that I can see is the END OF GLOBALIZATION primarily caused by Covid and then the Ukraine War as like a ONE TWO PUNCH worldwide.

This likely will result in the biggest famine and most people dying on earth since World War II. We likely will see during the next two years desperate migrations of people trying to not starve to death, especially in 3rd world nations worldwide.

For example, here in the U.S. we likely will see millions of desperate people trying to move up from Central and South America rather than to die where they are from heat, hurricanes, droughts etc. where countries just don't have the infrastructure or reserves to help people survive inflation or global climate changes in the extremes. This all was brought home to me quite starkly when I saw 120 degree Fahrenheit weather hitting New Delhi, India and having been to New Delhi personally I realized how over 30 million people who live there would have been suffering through this with many dying as a direct result who would work out in it and die rather than save themselves because of various different cultural reasons.

People worldwide who live hand to mouth will die a lot or starve a lot during the next 2 years (at least) worldwide caused by supply chain problems which are caused primarily by Covid for 2 years, then the Ukraine War, then China being pretty much temporarily wiped out by Covid now with almost nothing shipping from China to the rest of the world with 75% of China's cities locked down. If a city is locked down NOTHING economically can happen there, no imports, no exports, no manufacturing, no nothing.

Plus the 3 million dying likely from Omicron there plus however, many starve to death in the lock downs makes China just another complete disaster temporarily similar to what is happening to Ukrainians right now.

With so many disaster areas with people dying with supply chains either gone or disrupted, it is likely that inflation worldwide will go from bad to worse, especially because Ukraine and Russia normally supply 30% of the wheat grown worldwide.

With that Gone, the deaths from starvation around the world can only increase exponentially because grains will be too expensive for about 1/2 of the world's population to actually buy to stay alive another day or another year. And this likely should last at least 2 years like this.

So, we should expect the worst famine worldwide since World War I at this point for the next 2 years (at least).

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