Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Building a solar powered car

 If you are watching people ride around on electric skateboards (either the 4 wheel variety or the single wheeled variety or other options) you see how possibly if the sun was out enough that you could also have a completely solar powered car as well for transportation that could be safer than riding an electric bike or electric skateboard.

IF the car is light enough and durable enough and made of things like titanium or aluminum and fiberglass or plastic it wouldn't take very much energy to move someone from place to place safely, mostly because you have taken most of the weight out of the vehicle to the point where the only weight really is the person or persons and their luggage and things.

First, the entire upper surface of the car should be solar cells. The hood of the car and the trunk of the car should be solar cells at the very least as well as the complete roof. And maybe if the technology is there if you could see through solar cells the windshield in front and the back window could be a see through solar cell array as well. This way any sun at all would be charging the car whenever it was parked outside in the sun. Then you would also want this solar powered car to be a plug in variety because the sun isn't out 365 days of the year really almost anywhere on earth. There are always cloudy days. However, also there are now solar cells that also do quite well when there are clouds too.

These are some of the important factors in creating a solar powered car.

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