Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Why won't climate change be fixed by the nations of the world?

 I think the best way to answer this would be to say that the monied interests of the world are now panicked and in this panic they have already written off the 50% poorest on earth in that the rich believe these 50% poor people are fated to die. So, what they are thinking is: "How do I survive this climate change?" And the sad answer is: "by making more money so I can survive this and my family can survive as long as possible."

You likely aren't going to hear them actually say this but adults might be speaking this way to each other if they are wealthy enough worldwide.

The real problem here as I see it is that if too many people think this way then the heat and winds will increase more than 300 years into the future and no one might be left alive here on earth that is human.

In other words unless mankind gets smart and starts to change their habits the winds and heat will continue to grow in heat and force beyond 300 years which is what will happen no matter what now. But, if the greed is what happens to wealthy people no one at all will survive on earth possibly.

Another possibility is the human race moving underground (at least during the day when it's hot) and starting to grow their food underground with grow lights too. Because as the winds increase all plant life on earth could eventually blow away including all trees. So, any trees that live might have to be grown underground or in metal and cement buildings too and have solar powered grow lights on them and watered to stay alive underground in caverns.

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