Friday, November 18, 2022

Celeste Weaver's Sister from a Previous Life

begin quote from:

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Celeste Weaver's Sister from a Previous Life

This will be a part of the Memories series of short sequels. So far, I like what I've written here but it isn't edited. I just had a lot of fun writing it.

The time: long after Celeste has passed on and Arcane's and her children have died of old age. Their grandchildren own their Swiss Estate now and Arcane just has his New York apartment, his cabin on Mt. Shasta for skiing, and his home in southern California. In this segment he is visiting his parents when he was only 15. He won't tell his young self that he is him because that would harm time. So to his young self he is known as nickname "Uncle Future" member of the Elite Galactic Time Guard. At this point young 15 year old Arcane is upset that he can't tell his friends about his illustrious uncle because they can't know that Arcane is time Guard.

So young Arcane calls Ah Ray In's sister, Prophetess, to console him. And because she is a total empath she knows what anyone is thinking and who they are whether they tell her or not. Though Ah Ray IN and her sister Prophetesss look almost like twins as many sisters do, they are several years apart and she is Arcane's same age, so they are good buddies as Arcane is expected one day to marry her sister, Ah Ray IN, so they are like a real sister and brother in anticipation of this.

Prophetess is like Arcane's counselor in some ways and thinks of him as a brother. She said, "What's wrong, Arcane?" OH. My very amazing Uncle Future has a secret I can't tell." Prophetess thought a moment and said, "Oh. That's amazing I can see what it is!"

Arcane looked almost angry and said, "YOu know everything about everyone. I almost think you would know if I had a wet dream!" Prophetess did but she blushed then and said, "I won't talk about things like that with you, Arcane. That's not proper on our planet to discuss that at our age. That would only be appropriate if we were husband and wife and even then only under certain understood conditions!"

Arcane said, "I'm Sorry, Prophetess. It's just that sometimes I get jealous of the directions your gifts go."
Prophetess said, "That's nothing. I"m 100 times as jealous of you than you are of me. You get to be a planet saver. People almost think you are like a Jesus or Buddha!"

Arcane said, "It's not like that at all Prophetess. It's like I may have to die to save this planet like the first Arcane. It means I may have to give my whole life up so others can live!"

Prophetess felt ashamed now. She said, "I'm so sorry Arcane. My gifts of knowing what everyone thinks and feels all the time is supposed to be really great, but most of the time I find it mostly to be a bother. Look at you right now. You call me over to read your mind because you aren't allowed to tell me what's in there but in even thinking about you I already know. And now, because I am aware of that and your Uncle Future I also, now know stuff I can't tell you, either."

Young Arcane looked into Prophetess and said, "OH my God! HE Is ME, isn't he?" Prophetess really was upset this time and said so. "Arcane you can't know that! You will upset time if you know that now!" Arcane nodded and said, "Can you remove that certainty from my mind?" Prophetess said, "I think I can. Let me try."

Soon Arcane popped into awareness and didn't know what happened. Prophetess said, "ARe you okay, ARcane?" Arcane said, "What just happened!" He was sort of angry like something had been stolen from him. Prophetess just said, "We were playing a mind game and you just went catatonic."

ARcane sensed that she was lying but that her motivation was good about whatever was going on. He let it pass but no longer knew (for sure at least) that Uncle Future was ARcane grown up or not.

Prophetess said, "Will you introduce me to Uncle Future?"

Young Arcane said, "Okay" sort of nonchalantly.

They walked into the other room there on the planet New Deva to his parents living room. Uncle Future was speaking in English to Arcane's parents.

Uncle Future(Old Arcane) looked at Prophetess and was horrified. He remembered who this was. This was Ah Ray In's sister PRophetess. She looked so much like Ah Ray IN. Old ARcane was terrified because of all the issues that came up from losing his real wife Celeste Weaver(Ah Ray IN's reincarnation) after a 1000+ year marriage on earth.

He found his senses reeling and Prophetess was right there with him. Arcane introduced Prophetess to Old ARcane(Uncle Future) and for some reason he felt jealous when they shook hands in the old way of Earth. Arcane just didn't like Uncle Future touching Prophetess in any way. After all, she was his friend, his future sister in law and his confident. What was happening here anyway?

Prophetess was entranced because she had just met the man she instantly planned to marry. He was perfect for her. Maybe he was a few thousand years older than she expected. But he was a God in human form. When she looked inside his mind and heart she nearly fainted dead away right there on young Arcane's living room floor.

She made polite conversation. "What language are you all speaking?" Arcane's parents said, "Our hobby is trying to speak Old English from planet earth. It's not the prettiest of languages but it developed because traders from all over the North Sea and Europe met in parts of England to trade their wares from their ships. So it developed as a merchants language. So it became one of the best languages on earth to do business in."

Though Prophetess was swooning at Old Arcane's mere aura and presence she replied politely, "What an amazing sounding language. I'd like to learn it too. I have a gift for languages and may become a linguist." Arcane's father smiled. He saw the spark between Old ARcane and Prophetess and even the jealousy between young Arcane and Old Arcane over her shaking hands with Old Arcane.

Arcane said, "I could try and teach you when you have time." Prophetess said, "Well. As a 15 year old girl that might not be proper unless your wife was present."

Arcane said, "Sadly, my wife has died but maybe young Arcane or his parents might be present while I instruct you."

Arcane's parents agreed but young ARcane wasn't as sure.

Suddenly Prophetess said telepathically to ARcane, "ARcane. Please come back in three years and speak with me."

Arcane was shocked at this but instantly said telepathically, "Okay." He knew she was pledging herself to him in this way. For some odd reason he couldn't turn her away from this pledge. He was oddly pleased with this too.

He said to her telepathically, "Thanks for reprogramming young Arcane's mind so he isn't sure he is me."

Prophetess replied telepathically, "It was necessary for ARcane to become World Saver. It was the only patriotic thing to do."

Old Arcane smiled.

Though all present knew some telepathic communication was going on between Prophetess and Arcane it wasn't polite to interfere with these things in their culture. So even if they knew what it was about they wouldn't talk about it.

So within a few days when ARcane returned to his Cabin on Earth he had a realization. he realized that Prophetess was the same soul as Celeste and Ah Ray IN. "How could Celeste have known?", he thought to himself. "She keeps coming back to me in all sorts of ways I never could have predicted."

When he was ready to deal with Prophetess again, Old ARcane returned as Uncle Future. This time Young ARcane and Prophetess were both 18, since they always were the same age on New Deva. When ARcane arrived he asked young Arcane to call up Prophetess so he could give them both an English lesson. Young Arcane frowned and said, "You're going to Marry her aren't you?" Old Arcane was taken aback and said, "I'm not sure." Young Arcane said, "But it's a possibility isn't it?" Old Arcane said, "Yes. I suppose so."

When Prophetess arrived she brought her parents with her. After family greetings Prophetess said, "Mom and Dad I want you to meet my future husband." Arcane was taken aback because the two of them hadn't discussed this yet. However, it seems ARcane's parents and Prophetesses parents were well acquainted with this idea by now.

Prophetess' mother said, "We heard your wife died and we were sorry to hear that. Do you think you will be marrying our daughter?"

ARcane said, "I guess she is very set on this. I hadn't really discussed this with her but if she is set upon this path I would love to be her husband."

The parents accepted this as Old Arcane still looked very young(late 20's early 30s) and was obviously very well educated and wealthy since he traveled the universe. And since he was related to ARcane by being his Uncle, and since Young ARcane was to marry their older daughter, Ah Ray IN, it seemed like a good match.

But then the question that concerned him, "Where will you two live?" Arcane looked at Prophetess and said, "I live on earth in another time. However, I am capable of bringing her back here anytime she or you wish."

Prophetess' parents were speechless. This either meant Old Arcane was extremely rich or a member of the Galactic Government or both. They finally decided to themselves it was both.

Prophetess beamed and knew she had made the right decision.

When Uncle Future(Old Arcane) and Prophetess married on New Deva, young ARcane was best man. He said, "Uncle Future, making me best man at your wedding is one of the best things so far in my life. I'm honored.

Later when Prophetess and Old Arcane went to earth on Mt. Shasta to his cabin to spend some time together as man and wife, Arcane said, "Why did you chose me as your husband when you were 15 like that?" Prophetess said, "I am the Soul of Ah Ray In and Celeste Weaver your wife reborn as Prophetess." Arcane choked on his water at this point.

His senses reeled and he leaned against the wall. Prophetess came over and comforted him. She said, "Don't you remember I said to you when I died, 'one can have too many lives but never too many loves?'" Arcane felt disabled and let her take him to their bed with a wonderful view of Mt. shasta's snow covered peak with lenticular clouds whisking by. He fell asleep grateful to be rescued by his wife's soul once again in a new form.

He was awakened promptly at 6 am the next morning by Biocom. Biocom said, "Arcane. I'm required by Galactic Law to inform you that your new wife, Prophetess must not be seen by any earth born human the way she naturally looks on New Deva.

Arcane both happy and groggy said, "Yes. I was expecting this. I don't want her physically modified like I was since she is not a Galactic Operative, Yet. She is just the wife of a Galactic Operative on duty at present. So, she only needs to wear an "appearance changer" so she appears to be earth human even though she isn't. I want her to stay the way I remember her and her sister Ah ray In looked. I'm nostalgic for my old life on New Deva. Seeing her with lavender skin, gold irises, visible gills on her neck and white lavender hair and even the 50% longer tongue and webs between her fingers and toes makes me feel like I'm still living on my home planet, New Deva. I have served the galaxy well so I feel I'm owed this."

Biocom said, "Wait a Moment while I consult with Galactic Central." Arcane said, "Okay."

Biocom came back and said, "It will be as you wish. However, now we have to fill in the blanks in regard to earth so they don't suspect Prophetess in not being an earth born earthling."

Arcane said, "So. It's agreed that she doesn't have to be modified physicaly in any way?" Biocom said, "Yes." Arcane then said, "And that I have the responsibility of repairing any problems with time in case her technology that makes her appear as an earthling fails?" Biocom said, "That's correct. However, what do you want her to look like?"
Arcane said, "What?"
Biocom said again, "What do you want her to look like?"

Arcane thought about this. "Oh Yes. When she is not with me alone, you mean?"
Biocom said, "Well. It is dangerous almost anywhere on earth to not be looking human even inside a house unless you are in altered time."

Arcane thought about this. "Yes." he said, "That is unfortunate."

Biocom said again, "What do you want her to look like?"

ARcane thought about this. He said, "She can't look like Celeste, can she?"

"NO. How could that be explained?"

Suddenly Arcane got very depressed. He had a great idea! "Let's let Prophetess to decide what she wants to look like on earth." Arcane allowed Prophetess when she woke up to talk to Biocom via an ear bud.

Biocom said, "Prophetess. Who do you want to look like?" Biocom could tell she wasn't happy about having to make this choice.

Note: At this point my wife tells me that after telling her this story she questions the essence of it. Her problem with it is that, "Why should ARcane whose wife Celeste just died within a couple of years, marry this 18 year old Prophetess?

My response to her was a few different things. First, because Prophetess saw into Old Arcane's mind she knew everything he ever did. Her knowledge of all this is a threat to her world's time line unraveling so she knew at that moment she either had to commit suicide or to leave the planet with Arcane. Off planet she would no longer be a danger to her planets future unfolding properly. It was her patriotic duty to leave New Deva as soon as possible. The earliest she could marry was age 18. She knew that Arcane would save her planet's time line.

Secondly, Arcane was the most amazing man she had ever met. When she looked into Arcane's mind and heart she saw the kindness and discipline of a saint. Though she could see Arcane's many wounds internally, he was saint like in his determination to do the best he could for everyone or die trying. She knew she would be an asset to this man just like she knew she would be a danger to her planet if she stayed on New Deva past age 18. So she married Arcane to save her planet's time line and because she knew she was the same soul as Celeste(Arcane's wife) and Ah Ray In, her sister and soon to be martyred and sainted sister.

(From Arcane's point of view) Arcane by this time in his several thousands of real time years sojourn on this galaxy and others as a Galactic Time Guard operative and Galactic Diplomat had learned to be in the moment. And by being in the moment Prophetess and he had found each other, and intuitively even though he didn't know at that moment who PRophetess was soul-wise, he was intuitive enough not to refuse her offer of betrothal and marriage as it occurred according to New Deva customs.

Also, it worked for him because taking care of her would keep him alive to help all those he could help in the Galaxy and beyond and she would take care of him too. end note.

Prophetess and Biocom after conferring a short while came up with something and ARcane was brought into their conversation. Prophetess began, "Arcane. I'd like your opinion on what Biocom and Galactic Central and I came up with. First we morphed my New Devan looks through a medbot view screen of the type designed to physically modify operatives to look like the humanoids on whatever planet they are working on. Only in my case since I don't have to be physically altered there is a much wider choice. So we morphed me into what an appropriate educated upper class woman would like like on earth who looks pretty much like me. Then we added in Ah Ray In's looks and Celeste's looks for highlights to help you with the familiarity thing subconsciously. Then we all looked deeper and I made the final choice from about 100 basic variations and we have brought it down to 5 to 10 choices. We just wanted you to participate at this point."

Arcane said, "Okay. Since I like long hair and blue eyes with a golden phaze to them like we have on New Deva, I choose these three. Of those three I choose the one with the long eyelashes that looks like she is smiling or smirking all the time."

Prophetess said, "NO. That will attract to many males. Remember I'm only 18 and I have to worry about such things still."

Arcane said, "You know, you could appear to be about 27 to early thirties like I do. People would give you more respect if you did that."

Prophetess said, "NO. They would expect too much of me. I need to grow into that. However, since I'm extremely mature for my age I might be able to pull off maybe being 21 to 25 years old." Biocom adjusted the appearance to that age range including dress for that age group. He also plugged the program into the latest affluent but diplomatic dress for her as her program appeared to slowly age her illusion over the years. In this way if Prophetess wanted for example to be naked or barefoot it wouldn't matter because everyone would see the illusion of her being dressed and perfectly coifed and experience it if they shook her hand or even brushed up against her.

Arcane said, "Yes. Because you won't just look like a teenager, now I won't feel I'm robbing the cradle so much with you when we walk down the street together. People will just think I'm a very lucky fellow."

Prophetess beamed at this thought. She said, "Okay Biocom. I think we have found it. Wait a minute, though. Arcane?" Arcane said, "Yes Dear?" She definitely like the sound of him saying that. "We are both from a water planet. When do you retreat into the water?" ARcane said, "Well. Since Celeste was from a humanistic planet but not a planet of aquamen and aquawomen and children we just swam on the surface mostly. But if I'm visiting Hawaii I generate a false appearance of a snorkler or SCUBA diver but since my gills still work if I undisguise them, I swim with the fishes au naturel."

Prophetess said, "OH, Can we do that?" Biocom said, "Yes. I'll add that illusion to your appearance generator." Prophetess asked, "Is the appearance generator water proof?" "Yes" said Biocom, "and not only that it is a security device too. If it fails it automatically suspends time and puts you in stasis. So what you see is everyone else alive as still. That wouldn't apply to Arcane, though, since he is your designated time protector. Also, it suspends time if there is a potential security threat of any kind."

"One more thing", Biocom spoke up. "New Devan will be replaced with acceptable English or any other language used anywhere you then are that can be properly explained. In other words, if there is no record on earth known that you speak more than one language how can you speak them?"

Arcane said, "Then her records need to show that she speaks English, Spanish, Italian, French, and German. In this way she demonstrates that she has lived all over. This kind of person is very common among the educated of both North America and Europe so wherever she is she will fit right in." Prophetess was a little confused at this point and said, "What language will I hear?"
Biocom chipped in, "You will hear your New Devan dialect of course." Prophetess said,"Then since ARcane and I speak telepathically it will look like we never speak. Is that a problem?" If Biocom was allowed to laugh then he would have because she demonstrated her naivete strongly in this moment, and said politely, "Prophetess. The visual and sound projector is a sentient form that controls all that is seen and heard. A visual and sound recording is retained of what it displays as well as what you are thinking and saying in New Devan. This can be played back and you can modify what it does in the future as you wish!" Prophetess said, "I would like that until I get used to what is expected of me while living here on earth in the various cultures here."

Arcane looked at Prophetess. She reminded him so much of Ah Ray IN and Celeste combined. But since her life experience and abilities so far were so different than theirs had been she was her own unique self. Arcane wondered where Prophetess' life would take her and him. They would soon find out.

Since more people are reading this I realized it might be helpful to have this button as well which is about Old Arcane and Prophetess' adventures together:

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