Sunday, February 12, 2023

PYroclastic Glass from Volcanoes like in Iceland reduced temperatures in France and caused the French revolution and the guillotine

Historically this is true. One of the volcanoes in Iceland went off in the late 1700s and caused mass starvation in France. Since only the aristocracy wasn't starving then the people rose up and guillotined any aristocrats that remained in France.

This is the type of consequences that guillotined King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette that changed the French people and government forever and extinguished the lives of the French Aristocracy (those that didn't escape to other countries or other identities elsewhere.

This is what happened when a volcano significantly altered the sun in the 1700s and toppled a government.

If you want to do solar geoengineering you have to consider the consequences of your actions. Because this actually happened caused by pyroclastic Gasses from volcanoes drifting over France in the late 1700s.

Understanding what the consequences can be is a good place to start.

However, wealthier nations might do okay by doing this. But, their smaller neighbors also could shrivel and die from the unintended consequences of Solar Geo-engineering. 

This is a good place to think about all this.

Nations like Europe, the U.S. and China might succeed in Solar Geoengineering but their neighbors might all starve to death and die too.

This is the reality of real Geo-engineering now.

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